5 Ways to Save in Your Office

Improved lighting and HVAC have been shown to increase productivity in office settings. Sound good? Here are five ways to save energy while helping workers be more productive.

1. Take advantage of natural lighting. Letting in natural light through skylights and windows not only reduces the cost of overhead lighting, it's also been shown to improve performance in a variety of environments.

2. Upgrade HVAC equipment. Make your office healthier and more comfortable with minimal downtime and lower energy bills by upgrading to more energy-efficient HVAC units.

3. Install smart thermostats. Smart thermostats can automatically set schedules based on activity and reduce energy use at times when people aren't normally in the office. It saves energy, ensures comfort and is easy to manage.

4. Switch to LEDs. Replace those old fluorescent lights with LEDs. LEDs are more efficient and offer better light quality, saving energy and helping improve worker productivity.

5. Light according to task. While you're thinking about new lighting, think about the tasks that you're lighting for. Task tuning provides extra light in areas where you need it without wasting it in areas where you don't.

Use these tips to bolster your productivity while trimming your energy bills.