5 Ways to Save on Hidden Energy Waste

Finding a $20 bill hidden in the bottom of your drawer is good. But finding hidden energy waste in your facility is even more valuable. Here are five tips to help you save.

  • Stop phantom power. Computers, printers and other office equipment draw power continuously, even when they're not being used. Limit this phantom power with advanced power strips or power management settings.

  • Seal leaky ducts. Leaky ducts can mean higher heating and cooling costs. Fix easy-to-reach leaks with mastic tape. For large-scale leakage, an aerosol sealant can help.

  • Calibrate control sensors. Check your controls to make sure they are properly calibrated. According to the U.S. Department of Energy, well-tuned controls can save as much as 30% on heating and cooling costs.

  • Maintain steam traps. If your facility has steam traps, make sure you maintain them. A steam trap inspection and replacement plan can lower operating costs and pay for itself.

  • Limit personal appliances. Personal appliances in your workplace can cost you big. One space heater at one desk can cost an employer $75 per year. Personally, it seems like a waste.

Use these tips to prevent hidden energy waste from burdening your bottom line.